
Download ufl online degrees
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In addition, graduates can find jobs at the local, state and national level of government, insurance companies, industry, and other areas. The program prepares the graduates for advancement in the ranks for the fire service, EMS and emergency management. The program specializations offer the student the ability to focus their degree in three different aspects of the emergency services industry. Box 115703 304 RINKER HALL GAINESVILLE FL 32611-5703 Map Curriculum The Rinker School will pursue this by promoting professional and ethical behavior in education and practice, advancing the industry by creating new knowledge through research and scholarly activities, educating individuals in principles, knowledge, and skills required to be successful in their professional careers, and providing service and transferring knowledge to the citizens of Florida, the construction industry, professional societies, the nation, and the world.

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School of Construction Management is to be the center of excellence for construction. To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college, and major requirements. Specializations: Fire Management | Emergency Medical Services Management | Emergency Management.Degree: Bachelor of Science in Fire and Emergency Services.

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College: Design, Construction and Planning.

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